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Paul C. Ross '49

January 4, 1931 - December 22, 2021


As reported by Edes Gilbert ’49

After all these years, Paul still brings back vivid and happy memories. He was unassuming, hard working, responsible ,and, to me and my friends, unbelievably handsome. We girls, spent many a slumber party and recess time, speculating about him. We admired ( and envied )but did not quite understand how his attentions were pretty much limited to one of our classmates, also unassuming, and hard-working ………..and very pretty……but not the IT girl. We noted and respected his steady participation in class which was not frequent or loud but always thoughtful. He never interrupted or, in any way, intruded on anyone else. And most noteworthy, I never recall Dr Hunter stridently asking him as he did many of us, “to please use our heads for something besides hat racks”. So far as I can recall, I never heard anyone say anything even slightly pejorative about him. I see him as one of our classmates who navigated the shoals of adolescence in a post-WWII world, with reserve and great good humor. He had a great smile and a chuckle that was deep and rich. In many ways, Paul was or seemed, more mature than most of us. I wish I had inquired about his life outside of school as I imagine there was a story to tell. The Class of ’49 was a stronger, more resilient and happier group of people because Paul was our classmate.


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