The following are Class Notes submitted from alumni. Have news you'd like to share with fellow alumni, email
Class of 1945
We are sorry to share the passing of Sylvia Colt de Almeida on May 16, 2022. Our thoughts are with her family. Please join us in holding her in the Light.
Class of 1956
On June 12, nine members of the class of 1956 gathered on Zoom for their Virtual Reunion.

Class of 1973
As reported by Barbara Michelson
Classmates, with great sadness I report Carol Pomerance Cataldo’s death a few days ago. Carol was diagnosed with glioblastoma in December of 2020. She had surgery and treatments and seemed amazingly vigorous throughout. The cancer returned. I will always remember when Carol came to Friends in tenth grade. She exuded confidence and just sparkled. Although short in stature, she was all legs and she strode briskly into the future. She faced her illness the same way—at least publicly—lived to swim in the icy quarry water in Rockport, MA where she went almost year round, took long walks, knew and connected with everyone in town, had loving friendships with her three grown kids, and adored her four grandsons who were born in quick succession to two of the kids. She had a great life, and I wish she had much more of it. Carol’s obituary can be read here.
Class of 1987
Sean Cavanaugh invites you to view his latest artwork which can be found displayed at 68 Thomas Street, 3rd floor in Tribeca. His work will be on display until July 31.

Class of 2020
Class of 2020 Meeting For Worship
On June 9, Alumni from the Class of 2020 and their families gathered in the Meetinghouse for a special Meeting For Worship to commemorate their graduation from Friends. Images from this special event can be viewed here.