Class of 1952
As reported by Martha Manheim Green '52
Jeanne Seebe Manser '52 still lives at 700 Ringling Blvd in Sarasota Fl 34236. She was evacuated more than once, due to flooding this past year but is back in her apartment now. Larry Saidenberg '52 appears to have moved to 1188 Park Ave. New York, NY 10128. Tony Taussig '52 has moved to 14014 Rue Saint Raphael Del Mar, California 92014. He and Joanne love their life in Del Mar. He walks two miles every day and drinks coffee at the beach in his car and watches the surfers. It's a terrific life for an old guy! Margaret Segalas '52 and Herc Segalas still travel from Vero Beach, FL seasonally, but do so by air and don't visit NYC and New Jersey any more. They have three very young great-grandchildren. Jean Olson '52 and Tom Brian are happy in Brookhaven, MA. I visited them on my way to Maine last summer.
As reported by Peter W. Stack '52
Some classmates might remember that I occasionally took a day off from classes and went to the race track to watch one of my Father's horses run. That interest in horse racing has remained with me over the years and in June a number of friends and I rented a bus and driver and went to Saratoga to watch the running of the Belmont Stakes. (Normally run at Belmont Park on Long Island but due to renovations there was temporarily shifted to Saratoga) We had a great day culminating in watching Dornoch win the 159th running of the Belmont Stakes and third of the Triple Crown. Unfortunately none of us had a ticket on the winner. We over nighted in Saratoga and were driven home the next day. A fun outing for all concerned.
Best wishes to you both for a happy and healthy New Year.
Grover Wald, M.D. '52 reports that he still lives with his wife, Stephanie, in San Francisco, but needs more help with chores than he used to. Five years ago he fell and injured his brain (subdural hematoma). The damage affected his speech and thinking, and combined with normal declines of growing old he has had to give up many activities. Fortunately he has indulged in most of the ones most valued and shared with Stephanie." to the first class note by Martha Manheim Green '52.
Class of 1953
We are sad to report that Nancy Dry Sumner '53 passed away on January 15, 2025. We are holding the family in the Light.
Class of 1982
We are sad to report that Sue (Elvers) Leblanc '82, sister of Lauren Elvers Collins '81 passed away on January 1, 2025 after a difficult year fighting cancer. Sue’s obituary can be read here. We are holding the family in the Light.
Class of 1991
As reported by Jeffrey Mandelbaum '91
First Annual
Linda Monssen Memorial Concert

with Opera Essentia, the company Linda co-founded,
led by Countertenor Jeffrey Mandelbaum '91
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Please come celebrate the legacy of Friends Seminary's luminary teacher of music and voice, Linda Monssen (1939-2023). Over her several decades at our school, Linda nurtured thousands of students, helping many to find and develop their voices, and themselves.
She was mentor for 33 years to Friends alum Jeffrey Mandelbaum, who started Opera Essentia with her in 2022. The company's performances have been described as "titillating and delightful... (in) communities which rarely experience this most improbable art."
This One-Hour Concert/Conversation will showcase three world-class opera singers, company founding harpsichordist, as well as first violinist, playing with baroque performance practice.
This Winter Preview introduces Opera Essentia's work and mission: To bring under-reached NYC neighborhoods Handel's little-known works for FREE. You will hear excerpts of "The Queen's Heart", their hour-long Distillation of Radamisto, coming this spring.