“Friends was a place where you could own your education and not just be taught to.”
Tell me about the work you do now.
I currently work for an international consulting firm that does executive search and leadership advisory. It's really interesting work - helping companies find their future leaders and thinking about what that future could look like.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The people! They are awesome, dedicated, hard working, brilliant and fun. We all have the same goal and every day something inspiring happens and that keeps us going.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Friends?
Gosh, I have many memories. But I guess, being allowed (or required) to be silent for a little bit. I think, especially for young people, we don't have enough quiet time in our lives and even though I may not have taken it seriously at the time, meeting in silence was very powerful and moving for me. It is one of the reasons I sent my daughter to a Quaker school. I try to find time to be in silence as often as possible, to reach a meditative state, even if just for a few minutes.
What are some of your fondest memories?
Obviously volleyball, but I also read great books, studied fascinating places and painted bags for God's Love We Deliver, to name a few. My senior year at Friends I was captain of the volleyball team. We won the independent school tournament, which was amazing. Having Deb Ferreti as a gym teacher and coach as well being around a fun group of people, was the icing on the cake! I won an all star award for volleyball as well. It was at Friends that I developed a lifelong love of volleyball; my daughter now plays too. I participated in the Model UN and traveled to Washington D.C. The senior trip to Powell House was very fun. In high school there were times I felt a bit lost, having the support from teachers and faculty who really cared about me, helped develop the foundation for who I am today. Some of these teachers include Yarrott Benz who was a very influential art teacher. Yarrott taught Architecture and really got his class into it. Christina Moustakis was such an energetic and intelligent teacher. Christiana brought books to life. I wanted to take her class every year and finally senior year I was no longer allowed to. Sue (Steckel) Beyersdorf was a math teacher who helped me build my confidence in her class.
Tell me a little bit about your Friends journey?
I came to Friends in high school and many of my classmates had been there for years. It was an interesting mix of old friends and new friends. I learned how to play volleyball at Friends; I took an architecture class; we painted bags for God's Love We Deliver, everything was really unique and special. It's nice to look back on it and remember fond memories.
In what ways have Quaker values and your experience at Friends influenced the work you do today? Wow, in so many ways. I am deeply committed to community service now. I ran for local office in 2017 and have served in my elected seat for nearly 7 years. My kids are big into service, too, so I get to see first hand how my example is affecting others beyond just the work I do. I also serve as an Advisor for a Women In Leadership certification program at Mercy University and mentor young people that have aspirations of political service in the future. I think Friends was the foundation for this. Working for those that need a helping hand and being an ally to those less fortunate, these fundamentals rule my everyday - both personally and professionally.
How do you understand the work you do now as bringing about a world that ought to be?
I work for a company that teaches leaders how to lead! It can be very rewarding. My favorite work is diving into corporate culture building and DEI. Filling seats with talented people - especially women and ethnically diverse leaders - helps me see a world in which anyone and everyone can make a difference. That's not to say everyone is great or we don't often just have to get the job done, but when our clients are devoted to change and we are able to help them realize it, that's it, that's the moment.
What are your hopes, dreams and plans for your work in the future?
I have no idea. I used to dream and think about the future all the time. Now I'm really trying to embrace the here and now. Being present and intentional helps me fulfill my purpose, which is to help others. I am finding that I feel settled in myself, in this person that I've become, and life is short, so it's better to stop and smell the roses.
Is there anything else you wish to share with me that I didn’t ask you about?
Just that I am more than my work. I have two awesome kids - my son is in college studying music and my daughter is killing it as a 7th grader. My family brings me tons of joy and energy. I have a low key life with good friends near and far and I feel incredibly grateful for it all.
What are you looking forward to at this year’s Reunion?
I’m looking forward to seeing my classmates. We had a great time at our 20th Reunion. It will be nice to find out where people are in their lives. So I anticipate this year’s Reunion will be a nice occasion, we get so few in our lives.