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A Letter from Michael

Hello Friends! One of the things I most looked forward to when I came to Friends was Reunion. I had heard so much about it, but was also aware that this special occasion had not been able to take place for three years due to the pandemic. A mix of anxiety, excitement and fear consumed me as we drew closer to May. In preparation, I held regular meetings with volunteers from the different classes being recognized, and gradually my nerves began to cool. When it was finally confirmed that we would return to in-person activities, I was elated, because I knew I would get to make genuine connections with alumni with whom I had been exchanging countless emails and seeing on Zoom calls.

Finally the first day of Reunion was here, the weather gods added some additional, although not expected, heat before a flash shower. I met with the Class of 1972, celebrating their 50th reunion and later joined them at dinner, before rushing off to Brooklyn to gather with the Class of 2012. On Saturday, everything came together with a full day of programming and alums spanning eight decades. At Meeting for Worship the significance of this annual event touched me, and although not an alum, I too felt at home.

I am extremely grateful to Head of School Bo Lauder, my colleagues from Advancement Office, the Communications Department, the Operations team, Mike Costello, faculty and student volunteers and especially all of the alumni who joined us in person, in spirit or virtually at this year’s Reunion.

Lastly, we are now two weeks away from the last days of school. Please join me in wishing the Class of 2022 all the best as they embark on an exciting future ahead of them.

In friendship,

Michael Mudho

Associate Director of Advancement for Alumni Relations

View photos from Reunion here and here.


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